Core Values and Standards

These are the governing principles for how we do business.

  • We require complete honesty and integrity in everything we do.
  • We respect the individual. Individuals treated with respect typically respond by giving their best.
  • We make commitments with care, then live up to them. In all things, we do what we say we are going to do.
  • We are frugal. We guard and conserve company resources with the same vigilance as our own.
  • We insist on giving our best effort in everything we undertake. Furthermore, we see a huge difference between "good mistakes" (best effort, bad result) and "bad mistakes" (sloppiness or lack of effort).
  • Clarity in understanding our missions, goals, and expectations is critical to our success.
  • In all our dealings we will strive to be friendly and courteous, as well as fair and compassionate.
  • Work is an important part of life, and it should be fun. Being a good business person does not mean being stuffy and boring.